Friday, September 09, 2005

The Aquarium

On Labor Day, we all went to the aquarium in Manteo

Group photo:

Alligators & sharks:

Thursday, September 08, 2005


We had great food every meal, on this night we celebrated Rosalindas birthday (that's 39 for how many times now?)
We had lunch at The Pirates Cove Marina,
Here is Everett, the captain of the boat:
... and here we are leaving the marina
Kyra and the other kids had a great time going after sand crabs.

Labor Day Trip

We went to the Outer Banks for the Labor day week-end. Boy did we have a great time. Our friend Everett took us out on his boat, and we saw a pod of dolphins.

At times they were only 25 feet away. Thanks to my neighbor Benny, who is very handy with a camera.

Finally got time to sit down and find those pictures from the get-together I mentioned.

That fountain is really neat, you can control the jets from various locations around it. It's just harder keeping kids out of it than I thought, hehe

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Southern Branch get-to-gether

Bryan, Layna and the girls came down for the day yesturday. We had a great time, you can read Layna's comments here Bryan and Layna got a new Jeep, and actually trusted me to drive it, what a great ride. We had a couple of beers, Bryan introduced me to a beer I've never heard of, "Dogfish Head". It's an India Pale Ale (IPA), darker than I'm used to, and a bit more hoppy, but a very good beer, I think I'll look for more IPAs just to widen my taste range. After lunch we decided to go to The Streets at Southpoint, the mall closest to us, to get some ice cream at Marble Slab. Ophelia decided to swim in the fountain, not an actual concious decision, but I'm sure it was refreshing. Being a Saturday night, there were several local performers on the "Main Street" portion of the mall. We enjoyed our ice cream while listening to a guitarist.